The Library
Breaking News
- PRESS RELEASE: Getting the band back together
- Both Albums Imagine Jihad part 1 and part 2 now available as a Value for Value Music Podcast
- YouTube deleted our account
- PRESS RELEASE: Geert Wilders Mohammed Cartoon Contest Entry
- PRESS RELEASE: Change - the new song and video about Obama is released
- Tommy Robinson shows Mohammed a Biography at his book launch in Manchester 2017-11-03
- PRESS RELEASE: World Premier of Mohammed a Biography Music Video
- Translation Help Wanted
- How to embed a BitChute video 2017-09-04
- Vimeo censorship notice 2017-08-23

Welcome to The Library by Weapon of Musical Defense

The Library by Weapon of Musical Defense is where we provide comprehensive background notes and details for all our songs. You can buy our songs:
And nearly every paid streaming service such as Rdio and Spotify.
Thanks to the recent launch of our new video to accompany the song Dhimmitude we're seeing an uptick in link activity. Check out the links here.
Albums Currently in The Library
Songs Currently in The Library
- Philosophy
- Dhimmitude
- Folly of Millions
- Best Nation
- Imagine Jihad
- Canary
- Toward a Universal Caliphate
- Thank You America
- Mohammed A Biography
- Appeasement
- Who Is The OIC?
- It's Just an Excuse
- Brave Little Country (part 1)
- Values
- The Choice
- Dictators
- Protection
- Palestine
- Peace of Islam (part 2)
- Religion as a Weapon
- Change
Notes about Songs Currently in The Library
- Winston Churchill
- Universal Human Rights vs Islamic Human Rights
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
Getting in Touch
If you want to get in touch there are three main ways:
We have open DM's on X. @WMDRock
Proton Secure Mail
If you want to send us a secure mail, we have an account on ProtonMail: Send us an email on ProtonMail.
Technical Note
The more technical among you might notice that we're using the MediaWiki software which is the same as that used by Wikipedia for example. This does not mean that The Library is open to editing by just anyone. MediaWiki is a very useful tool for us to put this information together, but we have no plans to open this site up to editing by anyone but the WMD team members.