Peace of Islam (part 2)

From The WMD Library

The Law says:

Mohammed made an offer to the Jews, one they couldn't refuse.


This song is track 6 on the album Imagine Jihad (part 2).

Song lyrics

Mohammed made an offer to the Jews
They could not refuse accept me as your
Prophet or die or I'll concede
A treaty yeah
Chorus "The dhimma"
The Jews became
Tolerated but were
Accused of falsifying the Bible, of sin,
A tax on their head,
Mohammed said, forever, humbled
T'was Allah's will,
They lost everything, their
Lives depended on the
But their land and possessions now belonged to
Allah and his Messenger
Who had the right to cancel the
Treaty at any
"The dhimma"
Time, yes his
Messenger had the
Right … and he and
"Had the right"
Followers the right to all on the earth as
Booty ……all
This … became
Law soon it was applied
Christians … then to
On earth … be-
lievers went on the war-
path … they should
Strive with their wealth and their lives (Allah)
Won't be satisfied
All the world must be
Muslim … they should
Strive with their wealth and their lives
"Strive with their wealth and their lives"
Peaceful means are fine
"Peaceful means are fine"
All the world must be
Muslim … they should
Strive with their wealth and their lives
Fight and terrorise
All the world must be
Muslim…. they should
Strive with their wealth and their lives
"Strive with their wealth and their lives"
They'll find paradise
All the world must be
"All the world"
Christians too had lied
Jesus had not died on the cross
He was in fact as Moses was
A Muslim …and
"War" … their prophet said
"War, war"
"is deceit"
Use it to achieve
Victory … and so
"So, so"
They called war
Peace and justice
Said they were
You can live in
Peace and harmony with us
But Allah said
"The best nation"
We're the boss
Join us you won't be
Oppressed under Shari'ah
Freedom and right to a dignified life
In Islam
"In Islam"
We invite you its for the
"Invite you"
Best … if you don't we'll cut you
"Best, best"
At the neck …
We invite you its for the
"Invite you"
Best The Peace of
"Best, best"
Islam is for
We invite you its for the
To the
Peace of Islam

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You can add subtitles in your language here: Peace of Islam (part 2)