It's Just an Excuse
From The WMD Library

The Law says:
An excuse to draw a veil over Muslim ambition of world domination. Is that what Jihad really means? Are you ready to submit?
This song is track 3 on the album Imagine Jihad (part 1).
Song lyrics
- It is made to look
- As though peace on earth
- Now depends on non-Muslims
- (Heaven preserve us)
- Submitting to sharia law
- Giving up cherished freedoms such as
- The right to criticise
- To try and reason with a religion whose holy book has
- For nearly 1400 years
- Been interpreted to place a fundamental obligation
- On all believers
- To strive with their wealth
- And with their lives
- Until the whole world is Muslim
- It may be by peaceful conversion
- It may be by political persuasion
- But if not, by war
- Using all means
- Terror, bribery and corruption
- And deception!
- But….
- We must always remember
- That in their many lands
- the Koranic persecution and humiliation of non-Muslims,
- the religious discrimination, oppression, tyranny,
- war, civil war, bombing, suicide bombing, ethnic cleansing,
- Concern followers of Islam – not non-Muslims
- Nothing to do with
- Americans!!
- It’s just an excuse
- To shift the blame
- For their societal failure
- Their cycles of violence
- Humiliation
- And shame
- It’s just an excuse
- To shift the blame
- To take the spotlight off their shortcomings
- Which are considerable
- How can a few be so rich – and so many illiterate?
- When it comes to the truth it’s in short supply
- Doesn’t it seem that they’re always in denial?
- When it comes to the truth there’s so many lies, lies, lies
- So many lies
- You only need to read their press - On M.E.M.R.I.
- Or see their TV shows
- Blue murder preached in the guise of religion - M.E.M.R.I.
- You can see it Live, Live, Live!
- It’s just an excuse
- To shift the blame
- To the Jews, those Zionists!
- To the Americans, those Imperialists
- And then to the rest of the world
- It’s just an excuse
- To draw a veil
- Over Muslim ambition of world domination
- Is that, pray, what Jihad really means?
- Well is it?
- Jihad
- The religious duty of all believers to strive for an Islamic world
- The world is divided in two. The dar-al-Islam
- A territory of so-called peace run by Believers
- And the dar-al-Harb
- A territory in a permanent State of war occupied by infidels Occupied
- To be fought – until the whole world submits
- Are you ready to submit?
- Do you value your freedom?
- Do you think that it came for free?
- Did it not come
- At such a great cost
- And how many lives
- Do you think were lost?
- If it was right to fight then
- Why not now?
- Infidels don’t you get it?
- Don’t you understand?
- You too are occupiers in your own land
- Infidel, infidelity, you’re not true
- Not true believers
- So nothing belongs to you
- Everything belongs to the Islamic commune
- The Ummah, the nation of Islam
- It always has, it always will
- That’s the law
- The law of Islam
- In a 1400 year holy war
- A never-ending crusade, now
- Immigration on boats and trains
- On foot and roads and planes
- And refugees from failed regimes
- The infidels try hard to please
- They have the choice, convert or pay
- Or live to die another day
- Immigration is all well and good
- But when in Rome
- It’s understood
- Do as the Romans do
- Fit in – contribute
- Be good citizens
- Free people wake up before it’s too late
- You’re tolerating intolerance
- It stands at your gate
- The madness at Munich could look like a picnic
- Remember Hitler and Chamberlain and worthless agreement
- Do you value your freedom?
- Do you think that it came for free?
- Did it not come
- At such a great cost
- And how many lives
- Do you think were lost?
- If it was right to fight then
- Why not now?
- Fallaci
- You were a heroine
- Your rage and pride
- Your passion for life
- What would you have done …if you were
- World President?
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