
From The WMD Library

The Law says:

We run a protection racket like the Mafia


This song is track 7 on the album Imagine Jihad (part 2).

Song lyrics

We’re religious so
You can’t be critical
Allah said to rule the world
That’s not political
We’re religious so
You can’t be critical
Allah said to subjugate you
That’s not political
We’re religious so
You can’t be critical we
Shout it from the mosques
That’s not political
Chorus: “We’re religious”
We’re religious you can’t be
Critical if you are we’ll
Sue or threaten or kill you
That’s not political
Allah said to deceive you so
We have impunity
Said the world is booty for the
Muslim community
Allah said to fight you till
You pay jjzya tax, to
Tolerate you humble you
Humiliate you but
Protect you if you pay
Convert you if you say either
Way you must
Submit or Die
We run a
Protection racket like the Mafia
But we’re religious
Pay says
Allah la la
Allah la la
Allah la la
Allah la la
Allah says invite you
If you refuse yes
Allah says to fight you
Christians and Jews and
Everyo- hu hm “Everyone, everyone, everyone”
o hm huh
No one is an innocent “No one is an innocent”
You might not think you
Need protection but you
Do, we the Muslims will
Give it to you but
We may on reflection
Withdraw our protection
If Alla-La la la
aah so

Decides, No one is an
Oh No one is an innocent”
“Oh No one is an innocent”
But you may not
Not build your houses as
High as the Muslims we’re
The best, you‘re the rest, you
May not be our boss, and you may
Not rebuild your churches
Or your synagogues
If they fall into
Disrepair, and you may
Not ride horses but
Can ride mules but
Must dismount in the
Presence of, and you may
Not bear arms or witness
Against a Muslim and your
Evidence is worth nothing in
A court of law, and you may
Not appear in public sans
Special clothing to
Distinguish you … as an
Infidel, and you may
Not have sex
“Oh no”
With Muslim women such
Intercourse with an infidel
Is forbidden, and you may
Not enter Mecca its holy
You’re not
“So unholy baby “
And you may
Not dot dot dot
If you do “We may withdraw
Protection from you “

We run a
Protection racket like the Mafia
But we’re religious
Pay says
Allah la la la
Allah la la
Allah la la la
Allah la la
Some of you will bear
Insult in the street you’ll
Walk on the left of the
Muslim you meet
Your trade at risk your life
Threatened by a mob forced hard
Labour you may not be
Paid for the job and
Some of you will be
Kicked and bullied, scapegoated
Stones thrown
At your kids who
May not go out and
Play in the rain lest
Infidel impurity wash on the
Pure Muslim
And some of you will
Clean latrines or forced
“Clean latrines”
To be
Executioners or to
Cut off hands or
Cut off feet
Allah decides the
Fate you’ll meet and
All of you will
Rue the day
“Rue the day"
You’ll be
Economic slaves
Koran 9:29
Says so
“Fight those who believe not in
God and the last day and
Do not forbid what
God and his
Messenger have forbidden
Such men
As practise not the
Religion of truth being of
Those who have been
Given the book till
They pay the tribute out of
Hand and have been
Humbled - 9:29 says so
Humbled - 9:29 says so

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