Folly of Millions

From The WMD Library

The Law says:

How come multitudes followed nazis and communists down the road to hell? How come millions “do” jihad, commit unspeakable atrocities?


This song is track 8 on the album Imagine Jihad (part 1).

Song lyrics

Can it be
For most of us
Reason and reality
Are nothing but common consensus?
Just because
There’s collective agreement
Doesn’t mean
Wrong is right
You’re the ultimate judge
Of your own behaviour
You can’t just lay off the blame
To any and everyone
Nations have followed leaders
Down the road to hell
The people blindly obedient
But in their hearts
The people can tell.
But cosseted and comforted
In the security
Of the common consensus
Reason disappears
This could be
A folly of millions
The very fact of consensus makes
The folly appear as wisdom
The fiction as real.
Don’t believe
There’s always safety in numbers Shoot fatwa
The herds have been known
To stampede to catastrophe
Voices all in unison
The people manipulated and
Cloaked as the will of the masses or God’s
Convinced in their destiny
Not isolated
Nor alone
Together Together
Blind to reality
Can it be
For most of us
Reason and reality
Are nothing but common consensus?
Medley Choruses:
The very fact of consensus
Makes the folly appear as wisdom
The fiction as real
Can it be
For most of us
Reason and reality
Are nothing but common consensus?
The very fact of consensus
Makes the folly appear as wisdom
The fiction as real
Blind to reality
Can’t you see?
[Instrumental break]
This could be
A folly of millions
[Instrumental break]
Can it be
For most of us
Reason and reality
Are nothing but common consensus?

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