Robert Spencer

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WMD Biography

The incomparable author of numerous scholarly books on Islam.

Articles Cited

The following articles by Robert Spencer are cited within WMDRock Library:

 Web sourceDate"Date" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent date values.
"Terrorism is just one tactic being used by Islamic extremists in their effort to force their way of life on the rest of the world" - July 8, 2008 by Robert SpencerJihadWatch8 July 2008
"There is nothing in the Qur'an that violates human rights" - May 19, 2007 by Robert SpencerJihadWatch19 May 2007
CAIR rep Omer Subhani exposes Robert Spencer! Part VII - May 20, 2008 by Robert SpencerJihadWatch20 May 2008
Death-Defying Feat - October 17, 2006 by Robert SpencerJihadWatch17 October 2006
Fact or “Islamophobia”? - July 5, 2007 by Robert SpencerFrontPageMag5 July 2007
McCain vs. Muslim Radicals - July 23, 2008 by Robert SpencerFrontPageMag23 July 2008
Not a word about the dhimmi laws... - March 17, 2008 by Robert SpencerJihadWatch17 March 2008

Book Quotations

The following quotations from books by Robert Spencer are cited within WMDRock Library:

Hand-in-hand with jihad goes dhimmitude - Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert SpencerOnward Muslim Soldiers25 October 2003
Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'orThe Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims31 January 2005
Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert SpencerThe Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims31 January 2005
The Genesis of a Myth by Ibn Warraq - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert SpencerThe Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims31 January 2005


Books Cited

The following Books by Robert Spencer are cited within WMDRock Library:

Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert SpencerOnward Muslim Soldiers25 October 2003
The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS by Robert SpencerThe History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS7 August 2018
The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert SpencerThe Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims31 January 2005

Pages that Mention Robert Spencer

A complete list of all pages that link to Robert Spencer are shown below: