UN Human Rights Head Joins Thugfest in Tehran - September 8, 2007
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UN Human Rights Head Joins Thugfest in Tehran - September 8, 2007 by Web Site - Little Green Footballs
Extract:The UN hit bottom a long time ago, but they’re still digging. In the latest no-longer-shocking episode, we have UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour sitting with Iranian madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at an Israel-bashing meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (a Communist relic reincarnated as an Islamist tool) in Tehran, led by Cuba (Gateway Pundit: UN Human Rights Head Joins Ahmadinejad at Israel-Bash)
Eye on the UN has more. The day after this little meeting of the minds, Iran executed 21 prisoners.
That’s Arbour at far right, in the orange scarf, two seats away from Ahmadinejad.