Imagine Jihad (part 2)

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Imagine Jihad (part 2) Album Cover

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Liner Notes

Weapon of Musical Defense is a group of concerned rockers and rock stars. After 9-11 we were horrified at the hate & exhortations to violence we read in the Koran so we began learning more about what Winston Churchill called “the religion of blood and war”.

We started writing songs and studied to be certain of the facts, all the time becoming more alarmed. Now we want to share our findings with a wider audience. Imagine Jihad (part 2) is the second album to result from our work. The first was Imagine Jihad (part 1).

TrackSong TitleTag LinesTimeVideo
1Imagine JihadWhat would happen if your country was conquered by Jihad?12:15 RhGr0yXc
2Mohammed A BiographyIslam uses religion as a weapon in its war to conquer and rule the world.2:51
3The ChoiceJust submit or die.7:12
4Who Is The OIC?Is this the reincarnation of the Caliphate?4:09
5PalestineTell me, who is a Palestinian?4:18
6Peace of Islam (part 2)Mohammed made an offer to the Jews, one they couldn't refuse.4:24
7ProtectionWe run a protection racket like the Mafia5:30
8Religion as a WeaponIslam uses religion as a weapon in its war to conquer and rule the world.0:58
9CanaryAs if Jews are the problem, as if they're the cause.2:44
10ValuesJudaism is so misrepresented that the essential meaning of the Bible, which is the liberation of man from physical and spiritual slavery is forgotten.5:33 fuFj4rZox8

This is WMD album number: 2